Conselleria de Sanitat
RD 183/2008, of 8 February, which determines and classifies specialities in Health Sciences and develops certain aspects of the specialised health training system
ORDER of 27 February 2009, of the Regional Minister of Health, regulating the procedure for the authorisation of external rotations of specialists in training in Health Sciences in the Valencian Community.
Royal Decree 1146/2006, of 6 October, which regulates the special employment relationship of residency for the training of specialists in Health Sciences.
ORDER SCO/581/2008, of 22 February, which publishes the Agreement of the Human Resources Commission of the National Health System, which establishes general criteria relating to the composition and functions of the teaching commissions, the figure of the head of specialised training studies and the appointment of the tutor.
DOGV August 2021: resolution after strike of residents of the Valencian Community
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